Nanowhite Fresh wishes to serve their customers – they want to help youth/teenagers choose the right face wash and make a positive impact on their brand.
Nanowhite Fresh 想引導他們的顧客群體 – Youth 正確的洗臉步驟,並對該品牌留下好感。
According to our findings, the majority of today’s youth use TikTok, and the current trend is a brainwashing melody with dance. We did what the majority loved, created a brainwashing Jingle, and invited some influencers to sing in accordance with this concept.
根據research 大部份的Youth都在關注TikTok,而且trending的都是一段洗腦旋律配上舞蹈。根據這個思路,我們投其所好,製作一首洗腦的Jingle,並邀請網紅來演唱。
The song has a nice melody and gently incorporates three steps to properly washing your face. The song’s style is based on the elements of the Japanese Nanowhite Fresh packaging logos, making the commercial music more dynamic and fresh while also brainwashing. Internet sensations HanXiiaoAii, Yvonne Chua, and Jeii Pong sing the Chinese version of this jingle.
製作利用朗朗上口的旋律,將正確洗臉的3步驟巧妙的融入其中。曲風還引用了Nanowhite Fresh 包裝標誌之一的日本元素,讓該廣告曲除了洗腦之外,更加活力清新。該Jingle的中文版本由網紅 – HanXiiaoAii, Yvonne Chua & Jeii Pong 演唱。
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